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All Waterfront Constructions is a specialist marine construction and barge hire company. Our company focus is to provide reliable and professional ecologically sound marine construction, maintenance and barge hire services in Pittwater, the Hawkesbury and surrounding waterways.
Chris Kemp, Operations Director, is highly skilled in waterfront construction with supporting trade qualifications : qualified carpenter, crane operator and Coxswain He has worked and project managed wharf building in Pittwater for 20+ years, delivering quality work that is respected amongst his peers and clients alike.
Lucas de Beer, also a qualified carpenter, crane operator and Coxswain has over 15 years building experience and works alongside Chris as his Leading Hand. AWC operates with modern plant to service, offshore cartage services, crane barge hire fully crewed with accredited operators.
AWC full turnkey services are based on a sound combination of skill, experience and efficiency. We are committed to providing customised, quality outcomes. Our barges and operations are fully insured, marine certified, delivering accredited contractor services to our residential and commercial clients. We have studied the impacts of development on our foreshores and are mindful of minimal disturbance to fragile seagrass beds, the percentage of sunlight able to filter through a structure to the sea floor, and the ability to capture debris created during the construction phase. Considerations that are front of mind to persue best practice wherever we can. AWC chose early on to use turpentine or H6 treated pine with a specially developed polyethylene sleeve over the pile, an additional barrier between the timber and the ocean. The negative alternative is CCA copper and arsenic treated piles which some still use.
Our on water teams are ideally placed to identify the fast-growing green alga Caulerpa taxifolia that attacks seagrass and ribbon weed. Operations manager Chris Kemp says when AWC staff and contractors notice the harmful algae at a job in Pittwater or the Hawkesbury River, they do their bit and collect then dispose of it at an appropriate location, at nobodys cost but ours.
Purposefully design angled seawalls and boulder walls to dissipate energy and reduce beach erosion in wash areas, while AWC’s energy-absorbing float systems supporting pontoons also serve to reduce wave action and its damaging
effects along the shoreline.
The AWC team safeguard against potential damage from hydraulic oil and diesel spills by carrying the necessary spill kits, and knowing how to use them.
Tides are monitored on every job, to avoid barges contact with seagrass. Kemp is particularly proud of an environmentally challenging job AWC completed along the Hawkesbury River. In this one such case “The client needed a wharf built over and beyond mangroves. We couldn’t get a barge in there to drill so instead we obtained a special permit, then we ran a cable to a big tree inshore to winch using an airborne top wire. We used a water-jetting system to drive the piles in and cut the wharf around the established mangroves. Our impact was minimal, the result was a stylish and a unique wharf was built within the constraints of a delicate natural habitat.”